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Higher Education Research and Evaluation

Higher Education Research and Evaluation (HERE) consulting provides consulting and workshops on maximizing Perkins allocation funds and using data for program improvement. Topics often include Perkins Planning, Core Indicators, and Analyzing Core Indicator and other data such as CCC Data Mart reports to develop Perkins applications.

HERE consulting work also includes research using both qualitative and quantitative methods to determine barriers to student success.  HERE also provides research on links between instructional methods and student learning in applied, integrated (theory and applied) and non-integrated courses including STEM, Math, and language in CTE in CCs; College Perkins Planning Consulting; and College Perkins data technical support audits.

Perkins IV Analysis Guide (2013) Examination Copy

This analysis guide is made available for purposes of reviewing the type of documents made available to districts contracting for services from HERE.  Guides can be adapted for specific district needs.  Workshops are also available that follow the guide sample analysis for specific district programs areas.  Contact HERE for more information.

Short videos of Dr. Wiseley’s workshops are available on YouTube at:

Module 1: Verifying Perkins Allocation Data Part 1 -
This is the first of 8 videos on Verifying data from the CCC Perkins Reports 1 & 2 under Perkins III & IV. The module provides an overview of the Perkins Data and Allocation process in CCCs.

Module 2: Verifying Perkins Allocation Data Part 2 -
This is the second of 8 videos on Verifying data from the CCC Perkins Reports 1 & 2 under Perkins III & IV. This segment is on Report 2 where fields used for determining economically disadvantaged for allocation purposes are displayed.

Module 7: Verifying Perkins Allocation Data Part 7 -
This is the seventh of 8 videos on Verifying data from the CCC Perkins Reports 1 & 2 under Perkins III & IV. This segment is on identifying economically disadvantaged special population students through supplemental data collection. Specific survey questions are discussed and record retention policies.

Module 8: Verifying Perkins Allocation Data Part 8 -
This is the eighth of 8 videos on Verifying data from the CCC Perkins Reports 1 & 2 under Perkins III & IV. This segment is a wrap-up including questions and answers on identifying special population students through supplemental data collection. The data discussed is used to determine the Perkins allocation.

All modules are listed at: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/WorkforceandEconDev/CareerEducationPractices/PerkinsIV/OnlineTrainingTutorials/CertifyingPerkinsAllocationStudentCounts.aspx